Market Flash: Cup of Comfort for Single Moms

Single Moms: Let Your Voices Be Heard!

As Oprah Winfrey has often said, parenting is the most difficult and important job in the world — even more so for single mothers, who single-handedly face all the usual parenting challenges, plus a whole set of unique ones. While being a single mom can be tough at times, it also brings many joys and rewards, and the positive aspects and outcomes of single motherhood often go unrecognized.

The editor of the bestselling Cup of Comfort (Adams Media) book series is (desperately) seeking personal stories for publication in an anthology for and about single mothers. We want slice-of-life stories that read like good fiction and both entertain and move readers. Any topic and any “voice” goes, as long as the author tells an authentic and compelling story. Stories can be humorous or poignant or both, and must be original, positive, and based on real people and actual events.

* Deadline: March 20, 2007
* Story Length: 1000-2000 words
* $500 grand prize; $100 for each other story published in book
* Simultaneous submissions accepted
* Authors may submit multiple stories
* The title page of each submission must include the author’s full name, mailing address, phone number, and email address
* Submit by email or mail

EMAIL: Copy and paste the story into the body of the email; no attachments. One story per email. Send to

MAIL: Send a printed copy of the story (no CDs or disks) and an SASE to: Colleen Sell, Cup of Comfort, P.O. Box 1539, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424, USA

2 Responses to “Market Flash: Cup of Comfort for Single Moms”

  1. 1 Heather Cook February 4, 2007 at 6:07 am

    I hear ya! It is enough. We are fooled into thinking that more is better. But in reality, better is more. If we did fewer things, but did them better, our lives would be rich with meaning.

  2. 2 Heather Cook February 4, 2007 at 6:08 am

    Err… that comment was supposed to be on the next entry. Ooops!

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