Archive for June, 2007

Gone Fishin’!

Okay, I don’t actually fish.

But I like to eat fish.

Whatever. I’m on vacation. 🙂

Return on July 9th!

Cheerio and see ya soon.

The Thinking Blogger

The Thinking Blogger AwardThanks to Merry Jelinek for naming me as a thinking blogger! I feel smarter already.

Reminds me of the clever title, Brain, Child, the magazine for thinking moms.

Okay, so blogs that make me think. Hmmm…

Okay, got it:

  1. Confessions of a Perfectionist…in pursuit of satisfaction makes me think. It makes me think that it would be so great if the whole world could hop on this bandwagon. 🙂
  2. Dreaming About Water…Diabetes and Women makes me think. It makes me think about a disease I might not otherwise know about and that’s a good thing.
  3. Discussing Breast Cancer…while waiting for a cure makes me think. Ditto above.
  4. Mother-Daughter Book Club makes me think, “Oh my gosh, some day I can do this with my daughter. Cool!”
  5. Agnostic Mom…Raising a Healthy Family Without Religion is an interesting blog to think about and explore.

Okay, tag! You guys are it! Try not to take as long as I did. Let’s see…actually only one month on this one, not too bad!

Here’s the rules if any of these bloggers choose to accept their mission to share their thinking bloggers of choice:

*Should the bloggers choose to participate, please make sure to pass the rules on to the next Thinking Blogs you tag.

The participation rules are simple:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn’t fit your blog).

This award was began by ilker yoldas at The Thinking Blog. I hope to follow the links to some more great bloggers out there who make us think.

Random Acts of Summer

By Christina Katz

  1. Put ten bucks in your pocket on a Saturday or Sunday morning. Go garage sale hoppin’! (Give the kids a buck each.)
  2. Visit a state park in your area that you’ve never been to before (just type “[Name-of-your-state] State Parks” into GOOGLE). Stop at the grocery store deli for sandwiches and drinks to bring along.
  3. Read. Profusely. In the shade. In a lawn chair or on a blanket. In a hammock, if you have one! Teach your kids how to do it. Maybe they’ll fall asleep.
  4. Visit Etsy. Spend hours surfing the handmade things you can buy for cheap. So much fun to search by color!
  5. If your home office is a mess or the laundry is piled up. Ignore it. You can deal with it later. Go play. 🙂
  6. Stockpile how-to writing books that suit what you need most in your career at this juncture. If you want to write for newspapers, don’t miss Sue Lick’s just released Freelancing for Newspapers. Blogroll her blog on the subject too. Maybe read them in August when it’s too dang hot to do anything else!
  7. Go out by yourself, find some water, and float. On an inner tube. On a lounger. Don’t forget the sunglasses, sunscreen, and maybe even People magazine.
  8. Go to Paris. I mean pretend to go at the theater while you catch a matinee of Ratatouille on a sweltering, white-hot day with kids in tow.
  9. No time for scrapbooking? Collect your digital photos and make a book that tells the story of the first half of your year. iPhoto 6 has amazing ones that start as cheap as $3.99 each!
  10. If you need something fun to watch on DVD, after the kids are in bed, try The Prizewinner of Defiance Ohio. This is definitely an inspirational choice for writer mamas.
  11. How about a date night movie? You’ll both laugh (and possibly cry) if you can get a sitter and slip out to catch Knocked Up before it leaves theaters. I’m still quoting Paul Rudd and it’s been over a month since we saw it.

Happy summer, mamas!

Copyright Note: You are welcome to reprint this post in your blog or zine as long as the title links back to this blog entry and a complete title and byline are included at the top. Thanks!

Writer Mama is a “Rockin’ Girl Blogger”

Rockin’ Girl BloggerTiffani Hill Patterson chose me as a Rockin’ Girl Blogger! Thanks, Tiffani.

So, though I am new to these meme-types of things, I believe I am supposed to name five others of my choosing. Right? Am I doing this right? Maybe three? I’m not sure. I’ve got five, so here goes:

1. Sage Cohen rocks because she is really deep and her entries help me slow down and appreciate the beauty of life and words. Her blog is Sage Said So.

2. Abby Green rocks because she makes me laugh about motherhoood. Like check out today, “Where I really want to live is in the Pottery Barn catalog.” That’s hilarious. Her blog is Diary of a New Mom.

3. Kristin O’Keeffe rocks on the other side of the globe writing in lively style about being a traveling spouse in Shanghai. Great photos too. Her blog is Shanghai Adventures of a Trailing Spouse.

4. Hope Clark rocks in her new blog that offers a market or grant a day. A great one for writer mamas! Her blog is C. Hope Clark.

5. Another one of my favorites is Ali Edward’s blog, where she shares about being a Life Artist. Isn’t that a great concept? Great photos too. Hers is Ali Edwards Design.

Okay, ladies. You are it. Rock on!

Hopefully you will respond a bit more quickly than I usually do to memes. I’m thinking I’ll be all caught up on past tags by the end of summer.

And I’ll try to respond a little faster from here on out, because—hey, these are fun!

Recipe for a Happy Writing Career

By Christina Katz

1 c. great determination
1/2 c. joy found in the writing process
2 c. stamina
1 dash of empathetic spouse
1 T. trainable kids
2 t. rolling with the flow
Optional: Sprinkle in sleep, flexible babysitters, good boundaries & writer buddies.

Mix well. Beat into stiff peaks. Then beat some more. Bake. Remove from oven while still gooey on the inside. Let cool. Serve. Enjoy. Then do it all over again.

Upcoming Summer Presentations


JUNE 2007

OWC Presents! Me.
How to juggle writing with your already busy life
Monday, June 25, 7 p.m. @ Powell’s, Oregon Writer’s Colony Presents, Beaverton, OR, Info at Powell’s Events:, Free

JULY 2007

Pacific Northwest Writers Conference
Chutes and Ladders of a Writer’s Career: Healthy Habits of Productive Writers
Saturday, July 28, 2007, from 8:30 to 10:00a.m. Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center, 17620 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, WA 98188
Registration required


Willamette Writers Conference: Registration Required
Portland Airport Sheraton Hotel, Portland, OR

Thursday, August 2nd: Writers Faire 2007, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Willamette Writers and Oregon Writers Colony join forces to feature local writers and their published works. Come speak with these talented authors, buy their books, and get them autographed. I’ll be signing copies of Writer Mama!

My presentations at the conference include:

Friday, August 3rd: 10:30-12:00 a.m.
Forget Non-fiction Features: Write Short and Get Published!

Sunday, August 5th:
1:30-2:45 p.m. Part 1: Get Known Before the Book Deal: Platform Building Basics
3:15-4:30 p.m. Part 2: Get Known Before the Book Deal: Platform Building Basics

August 18th: Two six-week Writers on the Rise e-mail classes begin!

Here’s what a recent student from Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff had to say:

This was the most helpful writing class I have ever taken. The way Christina structured the assignments got me over some mental hurdles about what I’m capable of. I liked how some of the assignments built upon the previous ones, allowing for a painless trip to a great final outcome. I also appreciated learning how to submit finished work because I feel more ready to do that vs. querying at this point. Christina is knowledgeable, organized and an excellent teacher. I felt very comfortable under her tutelage. The class is well worth the cost.

Complete details available here. Classes fill quickly, so register early to save your spot.

Whidbey Island Writers Association Fall Residency
August 21-23rd
I have been invited to the Whidbey Island Writers Association Fall Residency where I’ll be teaching alongside Andrea Hurst (of Andrea Hurst Literary Management), Marvin Bell (the prolific poet), and Holly MacArthur (managing editor of Tin House literary magazine). My topic is “Creating Your Writing Career From the Ground Up.” To learn more about the only MFA program in the country not affiliated with a college or University, click here.

Sharon Cindrich’s Awesome Book-launch Party!

Speaking with Sharon on the phone today, she reminded me that I said I’d be on vacation by now.

Let’s call tomorrow my last day, shall we?

Which reminded me…I have photos of Sharon’s book publication party for E-Parenting, How to Keep Up with Your Tech-Savvy Kids in my possession!

Here they are—hopefully they’ll inspire visions of your own publication party!

Congratulations, Sharon! You are an awesome friend. I hope E-Parenting hits the bestseller list!

Self-Appreciation on the Summer Solstice!

Today is the summer solstice and I’m sure we can all feel it deep in our bones.

This must explain the recent feelings of deep gratitude that I have been experiencing. I have spent seven years as a working writer and today, despite the fact that I am working, as usual, I want to take a few minutes and say, Hooray!

I feel proud of the success that I have cultivated slowly and steadily over many years of hard work. And unbelievably grateful!

For me, my writing career feels like it “started” seven years ago because that is when I decided take my skills into the marketplace. That’s when I dared to start sticking my neck out on a consistent basis and dealing with whatever results transpired.

So, you see, it is not a coincidence that much of my teaching over the past six years has focused on helping writers through this often challenging transition from wannabe writer to working writer. The journey has been very educational and meaningful to me.

I’m sure there are many and various theories on when a person “earns” the title of writer, though that is not really a debate I wish to join. I’ve been writing with intention since I was ten years old. I’ve gotten published in high school and in college publications. I’ve put myself through graduate school in writing and published in those publications, as well.

But it wasn’t until I was ready to take my work into the adult marketplace that I began to really test my wings as a writer. And true, the early flights were often crash and burn. But I don’t feel badly about that, even though I know much younger writers who have had a lot more early publishing success than I did. I feel like that is great for them.

As for me, I simply didn’t give up. I continued to learn and apply what I learned. And developing this simple muscle—learn then try—has given me a great gift.

I am no longer afraid.

I am just as imperfect as I always was, only now I am imperfect and an author. 🙂
Does anyone know the misery of feeling like you must achieve some kind of perfection before you get to attempt what you really want to do?

For me, writing success is (and I hope will always be) about a sense of personal satisfaction that cannot be measured by other people’s standards.

Feeling successful, for me today, springs from the feeling that I dared. I stretched and I grew. I continue to grow. And every time I do, it feels pretty darn good.This solstice, I hope you will take a few moments to celebrate yourself for whatever reasons you feel satisfied. I think that’s what we are meant to do today. To love and appreciate ourselves so that we can better love and appreciate others.

I dare you—I double dog dare you to appreciate yourself.

Okay. I triple dog dare you.

June Writers on the Rise has Articles for Writer Mamas!

Writers on the Rise logoIf you are looking for writer mama insights, inspiration and ideas, check out the latest Writers on the Rise. Here’s what the writer mama columnists suggest this month:

Wendy Burt shares how to write for novelty companies and land a column!

Hope Clark tells us how to save time this summer by hiring our kids!

Lori Russell interview my wonderful agent, Rita Rosenkranz!

Sharon Cindrich helps parents plan for summer!

Abigail Green helps us understand the anatomy of a magazine!

And that’s just the first half of the June issue. More at the end of the month.

In the meantime, feel free to post you writing success stories on our June Roar Board along with our contributors and subscribers.

You can subscribe to have Writers on the Rise delivered to your inbox while you are visiting the blog. Just click on the envelope illustration in the upper right-hand corner.

Attitude of gratitude!

Well, thanks to the antibiotics I started taking yesterday, I’m making a quick recovery to my three-day illness. This is twice in the past four months that antibiotics have saved me from the brink of debilatating infections. Which prompted this gratitude list…

I’m grateful for:

1. My health!

2. Walks around the dog park before the day gets too hot

3. My pups!

4. My sweet family, especially for my husband’s willingness to pick up the slack while I was sick with only a little complaining 🙂

5. Whoever is responsible for keeping my daughter well even though she’s probably the one who passed along the Strep—yes!

6. The air conditioner that we will install today to beat the heat

7. Having enough energy to do the laundry (it was really piling up) and the dishes (ditto)

8. Being able to work on my book proposal to take my mind off how yucky I was feeling

9. Being able to work on it today with more oomph, now that I’m feeling better

10. Living in a country where I have health, freedom, and the ability to “follow my bliss,” as Joseph Cambell used to say.

Back to work!

Marc Acito’s Recommended Summer Reads

I got in touch with author Marc Acito to ask what fiction he recommends for summer reading.

I specified, “Nothing serious, I need to laugh!” (Boy, do I ever!)

He came back with such a thorough list that I asked if I could share it.

He said I could so I’m excerpting some of my personal choices from his list here:

Btw, I highly recommend Marc Acito’s book, How I Paid For College, A Novel of Sex, Theft, Friendship, and Musical Theater, btw. It is laugh-out-loud funny and extremely well-written.

Which is why I asked his opinion in the first place.

Seriously, one of my favorite books of all time!

Okay, here are others I selected for my Amazon Wish List:

  • We Are All Fine Here by Mary Guterson
  • Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
  • Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells
  • Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding
  • I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron
  • Heartburn by Nora Ephron

I’ll let you know what my friend and fellow WOTR partner-in-words, Sage Cohen recommended later in the week.

In the meantime, if you care to order any of the above, you may do so at the Writers on the Rise aStore and support our lovely e-zine.

Happy summer reading!

7. Get Strep (Not on the original list)

Okay, very funny.

Apparently, this was on my list and I didn’t know it.

Somewhere between catch up on E-mails and work on book proposal number two.

7. Contact Strep Throat, spend hours at the doctor and pharmacy, nap more

I’m filing this under “How moms rest.”

Ha-ha. Very funny.

Summer is for…face painting

Samantha got her face painted last weekend.

It looked so fun I wanted to get mine done too!

I (Heart) Kim and Jason: An Awesome “Creative Couple”

What’s a creative couple? I’ll define it later…but I know one when I see one.

Who says career and platform development can’t be fun? Phooey on them!

Check out Kim and Jason. They are tons of fun. And it’s summer, everybody, so be on the lookout for fun in all of it’s guises!

And now…heeeeeere’s Kim and Jason!



One-Pager I offered in Writer Mama

Here is a Microsoft Word download of the one-pager that I refer to in Writer Mama.

One-pager for Christina Katz from August 2005

Your one-pager should be a simple summary of your bio as it relates to your active platform, as much as your current platform is relevant to the book concept you are pitching. This is one of the three document you can share with agents or editors at a conference, if they are interested, that I discuss in much more detail in my book, Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids.

Needless to say, my platform has grown tremendously in the past two years, as it should. So my one-pager today would look very different than it did in 2005.
When I get back from vacation in July, I will add the one-pager to the Writer Mama website, as promised.

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June 2007

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