Archive for December, 2009

Writer Mama Success Rhythms

By Christina Katz Christina Katz and daughter

Now that all thoughts are turning towards 2010, l’d like to point out the key change I think all writers, including writer mamas, need to make. We all need to diversify our skill sets or we won’t be able to compete in the new marketplace. So as we enjoy the holiday season, think about how you will diversify your writing portfolio in 2010.
Craft: Try new forms. Your writing is going to be read in ways that have not even been discovered yet. How can writers prepare for this? By getting your needle unstuck and busting out beyond your most comfortable literary forms.
Never forget that attention spans are shrinking and that everyone is overworked and underpaid. So solemnly swear right now: I will not waste other people’ time. I will only write what is compelling, necessary and needed. Otherwise I will keep my words to myself until they are polished and targeted enough to share.
This, after all, is what writers do: we nurture clusters of words until they are ripe for the reading. Nurture ’em first. Share ’em only when they are ready.
Pitching: Diversify your income streams. You’re going to have to pitch more people more often just to earn what you were earning before or simply to generate enough leads to earn. So, don’t get your needle stuck on just this one editor or that one editor.
Yes, ongoing relationships are still great when the opportunity comes along, but don’t hope for that. Become gig-minded instead. Focus on landing and executing one gig at a time and then move on. Go for more gigs.
If an ongoing relationship with an editor yields steady results, great, but write for the sake of the writing well, not to hook your cart to one particular publisher or editor’s cart in hopes of regular assignments. And even when you get a stream of steady assignments, be sure to write for others in case that stream dries up.
Platform Building:
Streamline your platform-building efforts and specialize. The future of platform-building is going to involve streamlining. I’ve certainly learned this from personal experience.
You are going to have to keep your platforms simple, sisters. Don’t overlook specializing as a crucial preliminary step. And partner wisely with others, not just with anybody. It’s a crowded, cluttered, noisy Internet out there now. Rise to the top of the Google list by sounding one, clear, strong note, not by running bumpy scales instead. Okay? You’ll need to do your footwork to figure out your specialty.
Professional Development: Be choosy and select only the best. Just like you can’t be everything for everybody, you also can’t go everywhere and do everything. So, be picky. Don’t join just any associations. Join the best associations for you. Don’t attend too many conferences (or none). Attend those that will assist your career most. And don’t base your decision on price tag alone. Pay more for the right association, the right conference, etc. in order to preserve your time and energy. Above all, invest in your own career first, before assisting others.
Hope your Writer Mama Success Rhythms continue into 2010 and beyond, mamas.

Christina Katz is the author of Get Known Before the Book Deal, Use Your Personal Strengths to Build an Author Platform and Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids (both for Writer’s Digest Books). A platform development coach and consultant, she started her platform “for fun” seven years ago and ended up on Good Morning America. She teaches writing career development, hosts the Northwest Author Series, and is the publisher of several e-zines including Writers on the Rise. Christina blogs at The Writer Mama Riffs and Get Known Before the Book Deal, and speaks at MFA programs, literary events, and conferences around the country.


Writing and Publishing The Short Stuff
Especially For Moms (But Not Only for Moms!)
With Christina Katz
Now includes both regional and national markets!
Class Begins January 13, 2010
Prerequisites: None
Finally, a writing workshop that fits into the busy lives of moms! You will learn how to create short, easy-to-write articles-a skill that will make it easier to move up to longer, more time-consuming articles when you’re ready. Try your pen at tips, fillers, short interviews, list articles, how-tos, and short personal essays-all within six weeks. Now includes markets!
Cost: $250.00
More/Register at
Personal Essays that Get Published
With Abigail Green
Class Begins January 13, 2010
Prerequisites: None
The popularity of reality shows, blogs, and tell-all books proves that it pays to get personal these days. Whether you want to write introspective essays, short humor pieces, or first-person reported stories, your life is a goldmine of rich material that all kinds of publications are pining for. Personal Essays that Get Published will teach you how to get your personal experiences down on the page and get them published. Students will learn how to find ideas, hone their voice, craft solid leads and endings, reslant their work for different markets, and submit their essays for publication.
Cost: $250.00
More/Register at

Updated and Improved!
Turn Your Specialty Into Course Curriculum
With Christina Katz

Class Begins on January 13th
Prerequisites: Former student or Permission from Instructor. Recommended before CSNBP.
I bet you have worked long and hard to discover your specialty, narrow the focus of your expertise, and build your credibility, so shouldn’t you also develop a course curriculum that you can use as the starting point for years of teaching and learning from your students? I have been doing this for eight years and in this six-week class, I will share all of the insights I have learned so you can create your own class, including strategies for cultivating a following of students who succeed. This is probably the most important class I teach because it helps writers make the most of the expertise they already have.
Cost: $399
Register at

Coming Classes:

Pitching Practice: Write Six Queries in Six Weeks
With Christina Katz

Class Begins May 12th
Prerequisites: WPSS with published clips or permission from the instructor.
In this writing class, pitching is all you do. Each week, you will study a successful writer’s query and create your own list of steps to follow. You will receive a three-page worksheet weekly, which will provide helpful ideas and checklists to help you systematize your query writing process and increase your productivity.
Cost: $250.00
More/Register at

Updated and Improved!
Craft A Saleable Nonfiction Book Proposal
With Christina Katz

Class Begins on March 3rd
Prerequisites: Former student or Permission from Instructor.
Most writers underestimate the comprehensiveness needed to craft a saleable book proposal that will garner the interest of agents and editors. They also mistake the definition of platform and importance of aligning their proposal to a solid track record. A two-time author, Christina has helped hundreds of nonfiction writers succeed over the past seven years. Now she’s making her proposal-writing advice available in a six-week e-mail course to aspiring authors who want to nail the proposal the first time around. The best way to craft a short, tight proposal that will impress agents and editors is with the help of a seasoned professional.
Cost: $399.00
Register at

Read the updated information and register here.

 Invest In Your Writing Career Today
& Reap Greater Rewards Tomorrow.

The Freelancer’s Phrase Book: “Byline”

By Abigail GreenAbby Green
Is there any greater thrill than seeing your very own name in print? Unless it’s in the obituaries or police blotter, that is. I’m referring to seeing your byline accompanying an article you penned yourself. I’ve been at this for more than a decade, and I still get a little burst of pride when I spot my byline — probably because I know how much hard work went into getting to that point!
If you’re trying to build your clip file and get recognized for your work, obviously you want to focus on publications that give bylines. Not all do, however. Some magazines run writers’ bylines for feature articles, but not for shorter pieces like the front of the book sections. And some publications give a credit rather than a byline — meaning your name may be listed in tiny italics beneath the piece rather than in 18-point type at the top. Of course, the font size and location on the page of your byline is up to the graphic designers.
Many publications also include short writers’ bios, such as “Abigail Green is a frequent contributor to the magazine,” or “Freelancer Abigail Green lives and writes in Baltimore.” Some may even plug your book, blog or website. When you’re studying markets for your work, take note of how bylines are handled so you’ll know what to expect.
A word of caution: if at all possible, confirm the spelling of your name before your article goes to press. I have been dismayed to see my hard-earned byline as “Abigail Greene” and other interpretations. Once an article of mine even appeared with another writer’s byline. Turns out the designer had pasted in the wrong name. Fortunately, they were able to correct the error on a color printout so I can still use the clip. For even more peace of mind, ask to see the galleys (the pre-publication layout of your article) before the magazine goes to press.
Byline or credit, small type or large, above the text or below; these may seem like trivial issues, but for writers, getting credit — and recognition — for our work is vital. Just make sure to keep your increasingly recognizable name out of the police blotter, OK?

Abigail Green has published more than 150 articles and essays in regional and national publications including American Baby, Baltimore Magazine, Bride’s, Cooking Light, and Health. Her work also appears in the new book, “A Cup of Comfort for New Mothers.” (Adams Media, 2009). Abby holds a B.A. from Vassar College and an M.A. in publishing from the University of Baltimore. She writes the “Crib Notes” column for The Writer Mama e-zine and the “Understanding Personal Essays” column for Writers on the Rise. A mother of two boys, she blogs about parenting, publishing and more at She also teaches the six-week e-course Personal Essays that Get Published.

This blog is moving to as of December 30, 2009

I know.

It’s sad.

I’ve been here for three whole years.

This was my FIRST blog and I loved every minute of being here.

I hope that WordPress will let it live on for a good long time.

What a wonderful context for Writer Mamas we created together!

But, sadly, it’s time to move on.

Come and find me at my new digs:

And while we’re both thinking of it, would you please update your links to

Thanks so much!

2010 is going to be an exciting adventure. Thanks for sharing the ride!

I’d love to hear what you think of my NEW blog. Meet me over there, okay?

And if you feel moved to share what this blog has meant to you, I welcome your comments!


Digital Book World
New York, NY
January 26 – 27
Panelist: “Get Noticed! Earn Attention for Every Book”
More info

Private Workshop: Power Up Your Platform for the Internet Age
Sunday, February 28th
Location: TBA
Time: 1 – 4 p.m.
Cost for 3-hour workshop: $75.00
Increase your visibility and influence based on your personal strengths and balancing offline and online strategies.
E-mail me to get on the list

The Associated Writing Programs Conference
Denver, Colorado
April 7 – 10
The Colorado Convention Center
More info

The American Society of Journalists & Authors Writer’s Conference
April 24-25
More info

Oklahoma Writers Federation Conference
Oklahoma City, OK
April 29 – May 1
Embassy Suites Hotel
More info

The Northwest Author Series: Third Season!

2009-2010 Northwest Author Series

Next up: Amber Keyser on How to Use a Critique Group to Enhance Your Writing on January 24th.
More info

And the recipients of the January 13th Writer Mama Scholarship are…

Writer Mama ScholarshipThat’s right. The applications were so promising this time around that I decided to select two WPSS scholarship recipients. And they are:

Robin Paulsen


Carol J. Alexander

Hearty congratulations, Robin & Carol! Happy holidays!

I look forward to working with you in class in a few of weeks. I will send you a class confirmation shortly.

Please note: This is not a giveaway. This is a scholarship. I don’t just hand these things out like…like…like I hand out books! 🙂

And, for the record, choosing scholarship recipients is  extremely challenging because I receive so many applications from worthy writers. Truly, this was tough choice. I received more promising candidates than ever this time around.

I encourage you all to apply again for the next WPSS class in March. Anything you can do to beef up the your traditional publication credits between now and the next application round is a good strategy.

Thanks to EVERYONE who applied!

The next scholarship offered will be for the March 2010 Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff class. Watch my new blog,, for all the details! I’m very happy to be able to grant one scholarship each time I offer this class (giving two this time was an exception).

Subscribe to The Writer Mama e-zine to stay abreast of when I’ll be accepting applications next time around. (Click on the envelope glyph in the upper right hand corner of the blog.)

And congratulations again, Robin and Carol! Please help me congratulate our recipients in the comments.

Fit To Write Tips: Get Grateful

By Kelly James-EngerKelly James Enger and son
Last month, I talked about the benefits of having an inspiration file. Inspiration is critical to your success, certainly. But this month, it’s the perfect time to go a step beyond that – and think about what you’re grateful for. This applies to both your health and your writing career.
One recent study found that college students who focused on what they were grateful for (as opposed to those who simply recorded events that had happened or things that had annoyed them) experienced better mood, more sleep, and fewer colds than their peers. So feeling grateful may boost your immune system as well.
I admit, it’s hard to feel grateful sometimes — like when my strained calf keeps me from running. But then I remind myself to appreciate the fact that I’m not immobilized – and I can still bike at the gym, even if it’s not nearly as fun. Looking for that proverbial “silver lining” can keep you feeling grateful this Thanksgiving season – and the rest of the year as well. 
Author, speaker, and consultant Kelly James-Enger is a certified personal trainer and the author of books including Small Changes, Big Results: A 12-Week Action Plan to a Better Life (with Ellie Krieger, R.D.). Her book, Ready, Aim, Specialize! Create your own Writing Specialty and Make More Money, is aimed at novice freelancers; Six-Figure Freelancing: The Writer’s Guide to Making More Money helps experienced writers boost their bottom lines. Visit  for free articles about freelancing and more information about her.


The Writer Mama Scholarship
VALUE: $250.00!!!

Are you a mom, who would love to take the Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff Class that starts January 13th, but you would not otherwise be able to afford it?

Then be sure to apply for The Writer Mama Scholarship.

I am accepting applications from Monday, December 7th through Sunday, December 13th for the January 13th Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff Class Scholarship.
I will send out a reminder announcement in December. Hope you will apply!

Writing Conference Success: Real Time and Post-Conference Strategies

By Mary AndonianMary Andonian and kids
It’s conference weekend! You’ve mapped out your classes, signed up for your pitches, sent in materials for critique, prepared your dossier, and painted your nails. Whew! Now what?
Workshop strategies
After every workshop, thank the presenter and request his contact info so you can follow up if you have post-conference questions. If you don’t receive a card, write down the information on handouts. ALWAYS take the handouts, and at the end of each day (or each break, if you can swing it), reread the handouts, adding notes that you want to remember while they’re fresh in your mind. If you go with a friend, divide and conquer by attending different workshops and requesting two sets of handouts. Sometimes you can glean the same info by reading the handouts as if you had actually attended the class.
Critique etiquette
Try not to get defensive as your critique expert pulls apart your manuscript with a fine-tooth comb. This is what you paid for, and it’s the only way you’ll learn. Instead, take copious notes and ask for his contact info in case you need to ask follow up questions post-conference. Thank your expert.
Pitch to your heart’s content
Pitch to your chosen agents and editors. Ask to leave your proposal package with them or offer to mail it first thing in the morning. Don’t forget to ask for a business card and say “thank-you.”
Offer up your business card to everyone you meet and ask for theirs in return. Find the conference committee members and thank them for their hard work. Ask if you can volunteer your services for next year. Give them your business card, too!
Within 24 hours post-conference
Three-hole punch your workshop handouts, and file them in a marked binder. Organize the business cards you received at the conference, and send follow up e-mails to every contact you made. If it was an instructor, send a short e-mail thanking him again for his class; if it was a conference committee member, send a follow up reminder that you’re available for future venues; and if it was a new friend, send an e-mail to follow up on whatever it was you two said you’d do after the conference and make it happen!
Prepare all proposal packages for mailing by making sure you have the agent/editor’s correct address. Make adjustments to cover letters to reflect any new information you gleaned during your pitch session (including updated addresses). Reference something you talked about to jog their memory. Under your return address, mark in big, bold letters: REQUESTED INFORMATION – [NAME OF] WRITERS CONFERENCE. This will keep you out of the slush pile.
After every e-mail has been sent and every proposal package mailed, sit back, relax, and congratulate yourself on making the most of your first writers conference. We’ll see you at the next one!


Mary Andonian is former agents and editors coordinator for the Willamette Writers conference, one of the largest writing events in North America. In past years, she was also program coordinator and co-chair. Mary is represented by the Reece Halsey North Literary Agency and is a monthly columnist for the hit e-zines, Writers on the Rise and The Writer Mama. She has completed two books: Mind Chatter: Stories from the Squirrel Cage and Bitsy’s Labyrinth and is currently at work on her first screenplay, a romantic comedy. Mary is the mother of two girls and is the Brownie Girl Scouts leader for Troop 1102. Please visit her at:

Do You Qualify for the Writer Mama Scholarship? Deadline is Sunday, December 13th

Writer Mama ScholarshipVALUE: $250.00!

Are you a mom, who would love to take the Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff Class that starts January 13th, but you would not otherwise be able to afford it?

Then you qualify for The Writer Mama Scholarship. )

Application deadline for the next available scholarship for the January 13th Writing & Publishing The Short Stuff Class begins today!

I am accepting applications from today through Sunday, December 13th for the Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff Class Scholarship.

One full scholarship is granted each quarter. Please read the guidelines below completely and double-check your application. The recipient will be announced on Monday, December 14th in this blog.

Please feel free to spread the word about the scholarship, even if you do not intend to apply. If you have already paid for the class, you do not qualify for the scholarship. If you have already taken the class, you also do not qualify. Otherwise one scholarship is available per WPSS class.

This is a full scholarship. The recipient commits to participating fully in the class and delivering all six assignments on time. Please do not apply if you cannot make the commitment to participate in the class, which involves reading the weekly workbook, completing your assignments, and reviewing your classmates work.

The scholarship is not transferable if you fail to complete the class. The scholarship is also not transferable in the case of illness, family emergencies, a move, etc.

Please note that this is a scholarship, not a giveaway. The scholarship is only for moms, not soon-to-be moms. Please do not apply if you are pregnant (just trust me on this). The scholarship is offered by the class instructor, Christina Katz.

No additional time or special coaching is offered with the scholarship. It’s up to the scholarship recipient to make the most of the class, like everyone else in the class.

What is written in your application is private and your personal information will never be shared or sold. The only way to qualify is to apply each time. No one else will view your application but Christina Katz.

Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. Send your application to: “writer mama 2 @ earthlink dot net” — this the only email address for the scholarship. If you don’t receive the scholarship, save your application for future scholarships, and re-apply. Always add in your most current publication credits, since I look at those.

The application questions are below. Copy and paste the questions into a Microsoft Word document (to take the class you must be able to create and read Microsoft Word documents, no exceptions). Please answer each question concisely and completely.

The scholarship recipient will be chosen based on the following criteria: demonstrated effort, need, and enthusiasm as determined by Christina Katz. The most important consideration is demonstrated past effort, so please don’t skimp on details of your past writing efforts.

Applications accepted from U.S. residents only at this time. Thanks for understanding.

Here’s the application. Copy and paste it into a Word doc, answer each question fully, do not exceed one page, then copy and paste your final application into an email when you are ready to submit it:

[Begin application form]





Have you read the book, Writer Mama?

How long have you been reading the WM blog?

What version of Microsoft Word software are you currently using?

Have you applied for The Writer Mama Scholarship before?

Write a short paragraph in response to the following questions:

  1. Please write one paragraph about why you want to take the class, Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff.
  2. Please list, in paragraph form by publication name and date only, any publication credits you’ve accumulated thus far . Briefly list any other experience you think is relevant, also in paragraph form.
  3. Please briefly state why you are unable to afford the tuition for the class at this time (see note below).

[End application form]

Please Note: The Writer Mama Scholarship is only for moms who legitimately cannot afford class tuition for whatever reason. So if you work at home, earn money, receive money, or your spouse or partner earns enough money for you to afford the class, please expect to pay full price. My classes are kept affordable so that moms can take them!

To register for the class as a non-scholarship candidate, please visit the “Register” page at After the January 13th classes, the next round of classes start on March 3rd. Add to your blog reader so you won’t miss an announcement.

I’m pleased to be able to offer one free class per semester to one deserving mama. Good luck! )



Writing and Publishing The Short Stuff
Especially For Moms (But Not Only for Moms!)
With Christina Katz
Now includes both regional and national markets!
Class Begins January 13, 2010
Prerequisites: None
Finally, a writing workshop that fits into the busy lives of moms! You will learn how to create short, easy-to-write articles-a skill that will make it easier to move up to longer, more time-consuming articles when you’re ready. Try your pen at tips, fillers, short interviews, list articles, how-tos, and short personal essays-all within six weeks. Now includes markets!
Cost: $250.00
More/Register at
Personal Essays that Get Published
With Abigail Green

Class Begins January 13, 2010
Prerequisites: None
The popularity of reality shows, blogs, and tell-all books proves that it pays to get personal these days. Whether you want to write introspective essays, short humor pieces, or first-person reported stories, your life is a goldmine of rich material that all kinds of publications are pining for. Personal Essays that Get Published will teach you how to get your personal experiences down on the page and get them published. Students will learn how to find ideas, hone their voice, craft solid leads and endings, reslant their work for different markets, and submit their essays for publication.
Cost: $250.00
More/Register at

Updated and Improved!
Turn Your Specialty Into Course Curriculum
With Christina Katz

Class Begins on January 13th
Prerequisites: Former student or Permission from Instructor. Recommended before CSNBP.
I bet you have worked long and hard to discover your specialty, narrow the focus of your expertise, and build your credibility, so shouldn’t you also develop a course curriculum that you can use as the starting point for years of teaching and learning from your students? I have been doing this for eight years and in this six-week class, I will share all of the insights I have learned so you can create your own class, including strategies for cultivating a following of students who succeed. This is probably the most important class I teach because it helps writers make the most of the expertise they already have.
Cost: $399
Register at

Coming Classes:

Pitching Practice: Write Six Queries in Six Weeks
With Christina Katz

Class Begins May 12th
Prerequisites: WPSS with published clips or permission from the instructor.
In this writing class, pitching is all you do. Each week, you will study a successful writer’s query and create your own list of steps to follow. You will receive a three-page worksheet weekly, which will provide helpful ideas and checklists to help you systematize your query writing process and increase your productivity.
Cost: $250.00
More/Register at

Updated and Improved!
Craft A Saleable Nonfiction Book Proposal
With Christina Katz

Class Begins on March 3rd
Prerequisites: Former student or Permission from Instructor.
Most writers underestimate the comprehensiveness needed to craft a saleable book proposal that will garner the interest of agents and editors. They also mistake the definition of platform and importance of aligning their proposal to a solid track record. A two-time author, Christina has helped hundreds of nonfiction writers succeed over the past seven years. Now she’s making her proposal-writing advice available in a six-week e-mail course to aspiring authors who want to nail the proposal the first time around. The best way to craft a short, tight proposal that will impress agents and editors is with the help of a seasoned professional.
Cost: $399.00
Register at


Read the updated information and register here.

Invest In Your Writing Career Today
& Reap Greater Rewards Tomorrow.

The Articulate Conception: Making a Braid

By Sage Cohen Sage Cohen and Theo

I remember standing, swollen and sweaty, in the doorway to Theo’s room. I took in the cozy, friendly-feeling space we had outfitted and decorated with care to receive a person I had never met, whose spirit I could not even begin to imagine. Days later, our son arrived and began to fill the blank pages of our future with his story.
Today, Theo is 13 months old. He claps, dances, walks and proclaims everything he loves to be “kitty.” He climbs, crouches, throws balls and hugs everything, including (most amusingly) the bathwater. His gusto for culinary delights is rivaled by his ability to cut a mean tooth.
As I’ve become more rested and more proficient at discerning Theo’s needs and how to meet them, the threads of my day job, family life and author responsibilities have all come into focus. Most of the time, all three threads are even within reach.
Fluidity is the name of this game. And surrender is its secret sauce.
To give my child and my marriage what they deserve, my clients what they demand, and my book the visibility it needs to offer readers a greater joy and connection to poetry, I make a braid. I count each thread of responsibility a blessing and determine what it needs to be most effective each week – and how much juice I have to make it happen.
Through this ever-changing pattern of time and intention, I lead and I am led. I set goals and achieve many of them and let others go. What was meant to happen one week may happen the next, or never. Yet, day by day, work gets done. Step by step the confluence of identity and productivity, home life and public life has progressed from crawl to stumble to the first feeble twinges of dance. I am in service to all that I love most.
These days, I spend a few evenings and a weekend day or two each month teaching, lecturing or reading – both locally and around the country. I teach an online poetry class. I run a reading series. I am a volunteer editor on a wonderful literary collective called VoiceCatcher. I write fast and furious (and of course fabulous) marketing communications content and deliver it on-deadline.
And in tandem to all of this doing and accomplishing runs the love-line of my being-time with my family. During the workweek, I typically spend the first six hours of Theo’s day with him, as well as the last two, with frequent visits throughout the day. We share the endless incarnations of daily ritual, from the sweet stickying quest of appetite to the warm washing away of the day’s accumulations.
Every day, Theo and Jon and I belong more and more to our life together. And paradoxically, every day takes each of us incrementally further into the streams of our own stories. I find myself braiding and re-braiding the threads of love, responsibility and gratitude. The threads of family, marketing professional and author. Sleep, work and adventure. Motherhood, marriage and self.
A writer’s work is never done. Nor is her play. I am blessed.

Sage Cohen is the author of Writing the Life Poetic: An Invitation to Read and Write Poetry (Writers Digest Books, 2009) and the poetry collection Like the Heart, the World. An award-winning poet, she writes three monthly columns about the craft and business of writing and serves as Poetry Editor for VoiceCatcher 4. Her poetry and essays appear in journals and anthologies including Cup of Comfort for Writers, The Oregonian, Oregon Literary Review, Greater Good and VoiceCatcher. Sage holds an MA in creative writing from New York University, co-hosts a monthly reading series at Barnes & Noble and teaches the online class Poetry for the People. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and awarded a Soapstone residency. To learn more, visit


Digital Book World
New York, NY
January 26 – 27
Panelist: “Get Noticed! Earn Attention for Every Book”
More info

Private Workshop: Power Up Your Platform for the Internet Age
Sunday, February 28th
Location: TBA
Time: 1 – 4 p.m.
Cost for 3-hour workshop: $75.00
Increase your visibility and influence based on your personal strengths and balancing offline and online strategies.
E-mail me to get on the list

The Associated Writing Programs Conference
Denver, Colorado
April 7 – 10
The Colorado Convention Center
More info

The American Society of Journalists & Authors Writer’s Conference
April 24-25
More info

Oklahoma Writers Federation Conference
Oklahoma City, OK
April 29 – May 1
Embassy Suites Hotel
More info

The Northwest Author Series: Third Season!

2009-2010 Northwest Author Series

Next up: Amber Keyser on How to Use a Critique Group to Enhance Your Writing on January 24th.
More info

Christina Katz's Facebook profile

Whatcha lookin’ for?

December 2009

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