Archive for the 'Writing' Category

Somebody Pass Me a Tissue…

Whew! Well it takes a lot to make the ol’ writer mama cry.

But this moving post from Ericka-Marie Geiss, editor of the The WAHM Magazine did it.

Thank you, Ericka-Marie. I am deeply touched.

I hope this Mother’s Day every writer mama will pause, not to compare what she’s done to others, but to list it and own it the way Ericka has done so movingly.

You go, my dear. You are doing just great.

Personal Essay Tips from Samantha Ducloux Waltz (Is that a great name or what?)

Samantha Ducloux Waltz had been threatening to attend the reading series I host, The Northwest Author Series, for months, when she finally showed up two weekends ago to hear poet extraordinaire, Sage Cohen. While there she was so kind as to remind me that I had hit her up for some tips on writing personal essays for this blog…like weeks ago. (Where is my head sometimes?)

Samantha was one of the first fellow writer folks I met after moving to Oregon in 2004. If I am remembering correctly we both volunteered to sit in the Willamette Writers booth at Wordstock, Portland’s Annual Festival of the Book. Since then, it seems like I hear repeated announcements about Samantha’s personal essay publications. Her essays appear in the Cup of Comfort and Chicken Soup series, as well as a number of other anthologies, and have won several awards.

Here’s those tips she shared with me that I have been keeping all to myself…

If the question is how to write a better essay then I think the keys are:

  • Strong techniques that we use in fiction like characterization, dialogue, time, place, rich language, etc. — the old show don’t tell.
  • A good idea that is developed through scene. At the heart of an essay is a strong, universal concept.
  • I always, always, always run my work by other writers. Have someone critique your works who can give good feedback. I’m amazed, sometimes, that something isn’t clear. Or something falls flat. In my head it was so wonderful.
  • Keep trying. I wrote a couple of things for A Cup of Comfort before I got anything accepted. And I get rejections right along with everyone else so I have to keep trying along with the new kids on the block.
  • Study your markets. The tone of my Chicken Soup pieces is different from the tone of my Cup of Comfort pieces. Those aimed at anthologies not part of series are harder to analyze, of course. Redbook has a very distinctive tone. So does Newsweek. I’ve been in Christian Science Monitor, a wonderful market for the personal essay, but I’ve been rejected too.

The markets that pay me wouldn’t buy my groceries. A Cup of Comfort pays $100.00. Chicken Soup pays $200.00. The other anthologies I’m in pay between $50.00 and $100.00. But I love being in books.

And yet the markets I write for are very competitive. A Cup of Comfort volume uses forty to fifty stories selected from 3,000. Chicken Soup has more stories in a volume, but may have more submissions.

Getting started is the hardest. Getting that first publication. Then you start getting calls for submissions from editors and you get to go to the top of the slush pile.

If the question is how to make more money, there are some magazines that pay a whole lot more. Redbook and Newsweek would be examples. I haven’t tried these markets yet, but it is one of my New Year’s resolutions to do so.

Samantha’s website is Paths of Thought.

Where does your “value” go?

With the media attention on large-advance book deals for bloggers, more and more writers may feel confident that their drive to put their most valuable content online is worthwhile.

I’m wondering what writer mamas think about this. Because I write for money, the lion’s share of my daily efforts are not visible on this blog. For example, I’m rewriting my second book right now and I’m not planning to share much on that topic until the book is done.

For me, it’s a matter of containment and concentration. Books require an extraordinary amount of detailed thinking. And I need deep concentration to get there and find the right words.

Other writers feel differently. They like to get immediate feedback to what they are working on. So they “blog” their books in various ways. They say that the open book writing process makes their books better.

However, it’s still the case that most of the writers I know who make their living writing (through freelancing and writing books) don’t necessarily open up their writing process via a blog, they focus on serving editors and/or clients.

Whereas, I know lots of writers who write a lot online, who are not necessarily making much money from writing. Though I see a few who are doing such a good job with their blog that I wouldn’t be surprised if that road lead to a book deal. But those writers are still very much in the minority, at least based on the hundreds of writers I personally know.

So…what do you think? Where is the smartest place to share your “value” as a writer? Is it online or is it to serve editors without the emphasis visibility?

I’d love to hear your thoughts about how you do one, the other or both. 🙂

Good Reads for Writers Spike Online

Writers vs. Editors in an entertaining article by Michael Kinsley in Time Magazines. Thanks to Lori Russell for passing it along.

Maybe think twice about revealing your whole life online. You just might become as successful as Dooce, according to this recent article in the WSJ by Sue Shellenbarger.

I think I this post over at MomLogic rolled in on my Google alerts to alert me of the WSJ article.

But how many people would want what Dooce’s got? I’m not sure. What do you think?

And finally, if you haven’t read the article in the NYT by Allen Salkin that seems to have set off a chain reaction of articles on writing, authorhood and blogging, check it out.

Hey, thanks, Christian Lander! We love reading about ourselves in the mainstream media. 🙂

12 Ways to Take Your Writing Career to the Next Level (that don’t involve writing)

By Christina Katz

As professional writers, we write and we write and we write, but wait a second, isn’t there anything else we can do to jumpstart our careers?

You’d better believe it. Here are twelve booster rockets to pop you out of your chair and into action.

1. Regroup
Take stock of your writing from the past year. Purge your file cabinet. Clear your clutter. Set up new, better systems to track ideas and writing-in-progress. And don’t forget your computer. You probably need to purge and organize in there too. Most importantly, if you’ve been putting it off, back-up your entire computer system. Then make an extra copy of your most valuable writing and send it to a friend or family member for safekeeping. If your system ever crashes you’ll be oh-so-glad you did.

2. Reassess
You’ve eliminated the junk and it feels good, doesn’t it? Now it’s time for the good stuff — updating your portfolio. If you provide more than one service with your writing skills, you may want to keep separate portfolios. For example, I have one for articles, another for consulting, coaching, editing, and teaching, and another for my newsletter’s back issues. Not only is reviewing your progress from the past year satisfying, it’s good preparation for number three, which is…

3. Give Yourself a Pat on the Back
Do not skip this step! It doesn’t matter whether you’ve met all of your goals so far or not. You absolutely deserve to celebrate past accomplishments before you go forward. Besides, you’ll probably glean valuable insights about where you are going based on where you have been.

4. Pat Another Writer You Know on the Back
Perhaps you could meet for tea or coffee and compare portfolios with each other, tell tales of caffeine-fueled deadlines met, stories of overzealous editors confronted, accounts of elusive scoops professionally snared. When that’s all done, you could review page-by-page your stunning book, ohhhing and ahhhing in all the appropriate places, of course. And before parting, take a few moments to acknowledge what you’ve learned from each other. Because let’s face it, no one appreciates what we strive for and accomplish as much as another writer.

5. Form a Writing Circle with Like-Minded Writers
What better way to share resources and encourage each other on a regular basis. Writing groups are great places to share insights you’ve gleaned about editors based on their likes and dislikes, swap ideas for increasing productivity, and set lofty goals you’d like to accomplish, but could use some encouragement attempting. Support groups are not merely for giving and receiving critical feedback. They can be helpful for moral support as well. Mind the gossip and gabfest though, accountability first, socializing second. And whenever possible, invite in publishing writers who can share real-life success stories.

6. Re-evaluate your Niche
Perhaps when you started writing, it was all about parenting because you had just had a baby. And maybe you favored the attachment parenting school of thought. But what happens when you tire of writing about breastfeeding, the family bed, and endless opportunities for bonding? I’ll tell you what happens, you start looking around for fresh ideas — food writing, travel, maybe even book reviewing. Writing can be a terrific outlet for a fickle nature. Simply abandon the terra of well-traversed writing material when the appeal of incognita pales.

7. Assess your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Writer
What strengths can you leverage as you move forward? What weaknesses could use improvement? Seek out classes that specifically address your needs. Investigate local community college schedules, check out online classes (, and talk to your writing friends about workshops they’ve taken. Nothing beats a word-of-mouth recommendation.

8. Review and Renew Your Subscriptions
Are the magazines that show up in your mailbox each month still your favorites or have you outgrown them? Since writers read publications for inspiration as well as potential markets, it’s important to subscribe to those that resonate strongly with you. If you are tight on cash but need sample copies of publications to query, I suggest Moira Allen’s article, ” Finding Sample Magazines – Without Breaking the Bank at

9. Join a Professional Writer’s Association
Like, perhaps…the ASJA ( How would it feel to say, “[your name here] is a member of the Association of Journalists and Authors.” More professional, yes? I think you’ll agree that the multiple benefits are worth the cost.

10. Join a Regional Writer’s Association
Joining Willamette Writers in Portland, Oregon ( has been a boon to my career. What regional writing organization might serve your upcoming goals? Google the nearest group and show up at the next meeting. The networking opportunities alone are worth the price of membership.

11. Create a Reprint File
All those articles you published last year can be turned into cash next year if you resubmit them strategically. Three good articles on the topic include:

“Selling Reprints” by Moira Allen

“One Article, Many Checks: Selling Reprints” by Kelly James-Enger

“Selling Reprints: An Editor’s Perspective” by Lisa Crayton

12. Plan Now to Attend a 2008 Writer’s Conference
Don’t just consider attending a writing conference in 2006, but actually commit to going to one. You can start at Shaw Guides (, but remember, do not pass go and collect the increased self-esteem until you actually make the reservations.

The main thing to remember as you assess your writing progress from last year is that you are further along than you were. You can move even further ahead by taking time now to reflect, assess, and dream about where you’d like to be at this time next year. Good luck!

You are welcome to reprint any article in your zine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine, website, blog, etc. so long as Christina’s title, byline and bio remain as they appear with each article.

Christina Katz is the author of “Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids” (Writer’s Digest Books, March 2007). She is a featured presenter at the Writer’s Digest/BEA Writer’s Conference, The Whidbey Island Writers Association MFA Residency, and the Willamette Writers Conference. She’s been teaching writing-for-publication classes for six years and has appeared on Good Morning America. She is also publisher and editor of “Writers on the Rise” and another called “The Writer Mama.” Christina blogs daily at For more about “Writer Mama,” visit Christina’s website at

Thank you for posting the WM Giveaway Badge in Your Blog!

I have had many offers to post the Writer Mama Giveaway Badge. So I am rescaling it so you will have two sizes to choose from.

Here they are:

Writer Mama Fall 2007 Daily Giveaway Tiny Badge

Writer Mama Fall 2007 Daily Giveaway

Writer Mama Fall 2007 Daily Giveaway

Thank you so much for spreading the word! I have been gathering up giveaway prizes all morning from the likes of The Renegade Writers (Linda Formichelli & Diana Burrell), Steve Weber, Sage Cohen, Wendy Burt, and Gregory Kompes—just to name a few fabulous authors who have already committed to participating. 🙂

We are going to have some serious FUN! Look out, mamas. Here comes a big, juicy writing tools giveaway! Coming at you in September!

Almost caught up & Yes! I will offer coaching this summer

Hiya writer mamas,

Are you dreaming of road-trips and BBQs and your feet sinking into the sand? I know I am!

Here’s where I am on my to dos:

1. Submit feature article

2. Wrap up Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff class

(Sign up for the next one here…it’s filling up!)

3. Wrap up Platform Building Basics for Writers

(This will be offered again in the fall…next up is Pitching Practice: Write Six Queries in Six Weeks, perfect for folks who have taken WPSS and want to go on to mastering the query letter form. More info here.)

4. Catch up on paperwork, paperwork, paperwork (This is not my favorite…) and confirm summer/fall travel (Time to put on my little admin. asst. hat.)

5. Send signed books to Writer’s Digest for contest winners (With pleasure! Winners will be announced in the October issue!)

6. Catch up on e-mails (Haven’t been able to keep up for some time now…sorry!)

7. Send WOTR June segment

(Subscribe to Writers on the Rise here.)

8. Send TWM June segment

(Subscribe to The Writer Mama here.)

9. Write and submit book proposal #2 (Top secret! Not the one with Sharon, another one, stay tuned…)

10. Turn off computer with glee and hit the road! (I love my Macs, but Mommy’s ready to read some novels! Any recommendations…?)

Just a typical day in writer-mama land. Soon to be known as Vacation Land!

Okay, back to biz for a moment. Many have asked if I can/will offer individual coaching. Yes, I can and I will, beginning in July and running until the next session of classes start. I am not able to teach and coach at the same time because that would not be fair to my students.

Here are the weekday periods when I will offer coaching this year (except for major holidays or when I’m on the road):

  • July 1-August 18th
  • October 3-December 30th

Coaching sessions must be scheduled and paid-in-full at least one week in advance (please don’t e-mail or call me with urgent can-you-drop-everything-and-help-me-right-now messages). Remember my to-do list at the top of this post…that’s a short one.

Who will get the most out of coaching with me? Here’s a quick list:

  • You are gearing up to pitch a nonfiction book
  • You have a nonfiction book proposal ready to go
  • You are trying to decide which book topic is best for you to pitch now
  • You want to build or amplify the reach of your platform
  • You have been writing for a while, have gotten published, and you are ready to take your career to the next level

Important: I strongly prefer to coach folks who have taken my classes first (that’s hundreds of writers at this point). This way, the formalities are out of the way and we can get right to it. After all, an hour is not a lot of time and I like to be very focused.

As an incentive to take my classes first, I offer coaching rates in a sliding scale:

  • Three or more past classes with me: $50/hour
  • Two or more past classes with me: $75/hour
  • One past class with me: $100/hour
  • No classes with me: $150/hour and fill out a career questionnaire prior to session

You can send me an Paypal e-check to to reserve your time. We’ll schedule on July 2nd.

If you have not yet taken a class with me, I encourage you to take Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff (WPSS). I teach four sessions of this class a year, so there shouldn’t be a problem finding a session that works with your schedule. 🙂

For folks who send or have sent me general writing career questions, I will do my best to answer them all when I return from vacation, right here in my blog. 🙂

In the meantime, if you have writing career questions for me, go ahead and send them to and I will cheerfully add them to my list and answer them all by the end of August. One of the lucky question-askers will win a free, signed copy of Writer Mama! (That goes for past question-askers I haven’t answered yet…)

Okay, back to work! You too!

Today’s Newsflashes

A terrific article demystifying carb cravings during pregnancy by Shannon McKeldon appears in And guess who’s quoted?Yup, that’s right…me.

Also, really, really big news! Forget me. Forget Writer Mama (well, just for a minute).

E-Parenting, Keeping Up with your Tech-Savvy Kids by Sharon CindrichToday writer mama Sharon Cindrich’s book, E-Parenting, Keeping up with your Tech-Savvy Kids (Random House, 2007). (!!!)

Sharon is a writer mama friend of mine and we’re pitching a book together this summer. (That’s all I’m going to say about that for now.)

We were phone buddies all last year while we endured the roller-coaster ride otherwise known as writing your first book. 🙂

Thanks to Sharon, my ride was a lot less lonely and a lot more funny, ‘cuz that’s the kind of gal that Sharon is practical, down-to-earth, and very fun.

For her I am truly, deeply grateful.

Congratulations, Sharon! You wrote an awesome book. Here’s a brief summary:

E-Parenting is light-weight, reasonably priced and maybe the best tech investment you can make for your family. E-Parenting: Keeping up with your Tech-Savvy Kids is the only guidebook for families that covers all the technologies that affect family life – cell phones, video games, the Internet and more – and offers ideas, tips and suggestions on how to connect with today’s tech-savvy kids…and have fun as a family, too.

E-Parenting is available at the Writers on the Rise aStore, where every purchase supports our free monthly e-zine. Don’t miss it!

Before you hit the road: Sign up for fall writing-for-publication classes!

I bet you’ve already got one foot out the door for the long weekend. Yahoo!

However, before you turn your thoughts turn completely to sunshine, barbeques and the beach, you might want to get a jump on registration for Writers on the Rise fall classes.

Why? Well, for one thing, our e-mail classes are the best value for the best price on the Web. Seriously, if you can find another class that offers as much for as little I will eat my eMac.

This fall is your last chance to take advantage of these classes at these prices. Effective January 2008, the price for all WOTR classes will go up to $199.00 (except for first-time classes).

Check out this awesome line up and then don’t drive off into the sunset without saving your place. I feel quite certain that every class will fill (as has been the case regularly).

2007 WOTR Classes:

Poetry For The People

An E-mail Class with WOTR Managing Editor Sage Cohen

October 3 – November 14, 2007

Jump to Course Description

Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff

August 15 – September 26, 2007

October 3 – November 14, 2007

Jump to Course Description

Platform Building Basics for Writers

October 3 – November 14, 2007

Jump to Course Description

Pitching Practice: Send Six Queries in Six Weeks

(Prior query experience suggested)

August 15 – September 26, 2007

Jump to Course Description

How Pitching Practice Works (Word Doc Download)

For more information and to sign up, visit: 

Love, Love, Love My Platform Class

This session, I have had ten amazing women in my Platform Building Basics for Writers class. It’s truly exciting to hold a space where writers have time to reflect on what is meaningful to them in a broader context. Thanks to the Internet, once you know what topics you are truly passionate about, it doesn’t take very long until you are putting them out there and generating a platform that can sustain, not only a book, but a whole slew of offerings for your niche audience like classes, speaking opportunities, and consulting.

What a pleasant discovery for me to find this work so exciting! My enthusiasm only confirms that I am on the right track in my own niche, which has actually broken into two audiences over the years—freelance writers in general and writer mamas.

In 2001, I became clear that I wanted to not only write, but to work with other writers. At the time, I was barely using the Internet, but I started teaching writing classes at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, Washington. After my family moved to Wilsonville, Oregon I was able to use the e-newsletter that I’d started there to stay in touch with my students, no matter how many miles between us.

I just got an e-mail from one of those folks saying that she’s been highly recommended to one of the top editors at one of the biggest publishing houses around. This kind of message just makes my day. Because every writer who works hard on their craft and sales skills deserves recognition and success. I firmly believe that. And I also firmly believe that success will come to every writer who perseveres and continue to nurture her career. That’s what happens when you stay with it and don’t give up.

There are no longer any hard and fast “rules” about how publishing success happens. But you’d better believe that your online presence matters. My former student was recommended to a publishing executive (who is on the marketing side of the biz!) by an independent bookseller who reads her blog (one she just started this year)! Talk about finding a side door nobody knows about! But these kinds of stories are cropping up every day.

And the beat goes on, because platform development is an integral part of being an author today. And the way I teach platform, it’s about connecting with something essential in yourself that can carry on as long as you like. The way I teach platform development offers a writer ownership of her unique talents while maintaining an awareness of the needs of others.

I want every writer to develop a platform or platforms and own his or her power as a professional communicator. And really get that when you partner with an agent or publisher, you are meeting them on equal ground. I don’t think the folks on the publishing side expect anything less from writers anyway.

Every aspiring author today is expected to be a self-starter.

Are you a self-starter? Are you taking your writing career into your own hands?

Let the answer motivate you to higher expectations of yourself, so that others will want to partner with you.

In The Motherhood Scriptwriting Contest

If Literary Mama recommends it, then so do I. (Even though I really haven’t had a chance to look closely at all the detail—full disclosure.)

But if you have time, check out this scriptwriting contest and comment here. Inquiring mommy-minds want to know.

I know that Writers on the Rise columnist Abby Green has written about real life vs. TV life in her blog, Diary of a New Mom.

What do you think?

A Pretty Swanky Contest (from my publisher WDB)

Have you heard about this conest? It sounds pretty swanky to me.

And I like swanky, even though it’s not a word that describes my everyday life. 🙂

76th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition

For 76 years, the Annual Writer’s Digest Competition has rewarded writers just like you for their finest work. Best of all, we’re giving away more than $30,000 in cash and prizes!

Win a trip to New York City !

Outskirts Press GRAND PRIZE: $3,000 cash and a trip to New York City to meet with editors or agents. Writer’s Digest will fly you and a guest to The Big Apple, where you’ll spend three days and two nights in the publishing capital of the world. While you’re there, a Writer’s Digest editor will escort you to meet and share your work with four editors or agents! Plus, you’ll receive a free Diamond Publishing Package from Outskirts Press.

Late Entry Deadline: Friday, June 01, 2007.

For entrants paying with a credit card, we will accept manuscripts submitted online. Manuscripts in the script categories must be submitted via regular mail.

Compete and Win in 10 Categories!

  • Inspirational Writing (Spiritual/Religious)
  • Memoirs/Personal Essay
  • Magazine Feature Article
  • Genre Short Story (Mystery, Romance, etc.)
  • Mainstream/Literary Short Story
  • Rhyming Poetry
  • Non-rhyming Poetry
  • Stage Play (* submission by mail only)
  • Television/Movie Script (* submission by mail only)
  • Children’s/Young Adult Fiction

Entry Fee: Poems are $10 for the first entry; $5 for each additional poem submitted in the same online session. All other entries are $15 for the first manuscript; $10 for each additional manuscript submitted in the same online session.

Add $2 per manuscript to all entries postmarked after Tuesday, May 15, 2007. Entries postmarked after Friday, June 01, 2007, will not be accepted.

More info at: 

Whidbey Island (Writers Association), Here I Come (in August)!

Whidbey Island Writers Association MFA ProgramI have been invited to teach at the Whidbey Island Writers Association Fall Residency this summer where I’ll be teaching alongside Andrea Hurst (of Andrea Hurst Literary Management), Marvin Bell (the prolific poet), and Holly MacArthur (managing editor of Tin House literary magazine).

I’ll be teaching “Creating Your Writing Career From the Ground Up” in three, one-hour sessions. I cannot wait!

To learn more about the only MFA program in the country not affiliated with a college or University, click here for the program description.

What Editor’s Want: American Idol-Style

Editors want what the judges on American Idol want. And writers can assess their strengths and weaknesses through the lens of the four finalists on American Idol.

Try it. It’s fun.

Melinda: The Technician
As an editor I know how refreshing it is to work with a writer who is technically excellent. What I mean is a writer who turns in appropriate, well-written, polished writing every single time. And impeccable technicians are generally conscientious. They turn in work on time or early. They are impeccable and that makes them a pleasure to work with. Sort of like Melinda on American Idol. Let’s face it, she’s spot-on most of the time. If you are a Melinda-writer, you can plan on steady success in your writing career by virtue of your technical excellence.

Blake: Uniqueness in Action
As an editor I also know that I love to receive a submission that is fresh, with a unique take or spin, especially if it’s not self-conscious, but rather playful or just left-of-center. I am usually willing to put in extra time with a Blake, in order to nurture a fresh voice. But a Blake can’t be arrogant or that just spoils all the fun. Not all editors will go the extra mile for a humble Blake, but I will every time. A Blake-writer is the underdog. The one you can’t help rooting for. The one who reminds you not to forget your own uniqueness.

Lakisha: She Moves Us
As an editor and a reader I naturally gravitate towards writing that moves me. Writing that has some heat, a strong emotional through-line, or that inspires me. If it gives me chills when I read it, as Lakisha often does when she sings, well, heck, I’ll follow that writer just about anywhere. The ability to move people can’t be co-opted. It’s a gift. It’s a rare writer who can stay steady and passionate at the same time. As an editor, I’m inclined to forgive a mistake or two for a writer, who can give me chills the way Lakisha can.
Jordin: Pure Promise
Though many writers are under the impression that only the Melindas get the contracts, I am sure I am not the only editor who is inclined to encourage a writer with potential, even when current work is less than perfect. I’m not just talking about talent. I am a firm believer that talent is NOT what launches or sustains writing careers. Let’s just call it a sparkly quality. Something subtle—an energy or glow—that suggests good things to come. Conscientiousness can also entice an editor to take a chance on a Jordin-writer.

I think all writers probably share the qualities of the four American Idol candidates to a certain degree

Which Idol are you most like?

Writing is a fairly competitive business where so much of success depends on determination and perseverance. How might you draw forth some of the powers of the other Idols?

Know your strengths. Address your weaknesses. And leverage the skills you have.

In Writer Mama, I call this playing the strongest cards in your deck.

That’s what the candidates on American Idol do and that’s what writers do too.

I’ll Be at Third Place Books on Friday, May 4th

Yes, that’s right. I said “May.” Can you believe it?

Where did April go? (Oh, right. Taxes!)

But good news, this means Mother’s Day is right around the corner. If you’ll be near Lake Forest Park, Washington, come on by and pick up a signed copy (or two)!

Here’s the details:

Third Place Books
Friday, May 4th at 6:30 p.m. @ Third Place Books, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155, 206-366-3316,, Free

Christina Katz's Facebook profile

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