What I’m reading right now…

Toxic Criticism by Eric Maisel

First-time authors: Don’t leave home without it. (On second thought, it comes in handy anywhere!)

I admire and respect Eric Maisel and feel that his work with creatives and writers is unparallelled. I felt pleased to receive his positive review of Writer Mama.

But don’t take my word for it about how great this book is, listen to this:

Whether you are certain about your path in life or uncertain about it, your best bet is to demand of yourself that you will remain the single most important arbiter of your existential reality and, as a corollary principle, that what others say must be taken with a grain of salt. This is not to say that you cannot learn from other people, that other people might not sometimes point out important things that you’ve missed, or that you are invariably right and that the world is invariably muddled. What it means is that you will not abdicate your responsibility to make the meaning in your life.

Good stuff, eh? I’ll lead you to the Writers on the Rise aStore if you wish to purchase this fine book, where all of your purchases support the existence of my zine. The February issue is now posted, btw, and it’s a very fine issue, if I do say so myself.

I’m going to get a lot out of this book, I’m sure. I feel like right now, before I go out to book readings and signings, is the perfect time to be reading it.

It’s like the book version of a bulletproof vest. 🙂

2 Responses to “What I’m reading right now…”

  1. 1 Laura February 9, 2007 at 9:10 pm

    I found your site through a link on RPL Communications. I really like it. You epitomize the work/life balance very well.

  2. 2 Sage February 15, 2007 at 1:43 am

    Oh, sounds like the perfect thing to be reading right now!

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