Well, my goodness, I can hardly keep up with all the success stories that have been rolling in lately. Yahoo!

So, let’s start a collection. This is the new place to post your writing-for-publication success stories, which resulted from reading Writer Mama or taking a class or classes with Christina Katz. 🙂

Just post a comment below and we’ll be able to scroll down and view them all, when we need some inspiration!

Thank you so much for sharing!

I’ll start by posting a few reports I’ve received recently…and you all just take it from there. Okay?

And if you think you can’t afford my classes, why not click on the Scholarship button so you can apply for the next quarterly scholarship I offer?

59 Responses to “Success”

  1. 1 The Writer Mama January 18, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    Dear Christina,

    I just need to say thank you! This was my blog post today!!!!


    Today I had an expected surprise. A few months ago I took the advice of Writer Mama (from her wonderful book, Writer Mama: How To Raise A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids) and started looking at writing some “filler” pieces and submitting them. Well, being the busy mom that I am, I didn’t get very far but I did submit one little blurb to Today’s Christian (a publication by Christianity Today). It was a comic piece for their Kids in the Kingdom column. I e-mailed my submission and promptly forgot all about it. (I guess I didn’t follow Christina’s advice on tracking submissions very well!)

    Anyway, today I got an envelope in the mail. Inside were two copies of the January/February 2008 issue of Today’s Christian with a notecard saying, “Thank you for your contribution. See page 7”. So, I did and there was my little anecdote! But it wasn’t over yet…I looked inside the envelope and there was a $35 check! My first writing paycheck!!! Whoo-hoo!

    Does that make me an official Writer Mama?

    In Unison,
    Melissa Baldwin
    Ravings of a Creative Suburban Housewife

  2. 2 The Writer Mama January 18, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    Dear Melissa,

    I would say that this makes you a very official, publishing writer mama!

    Congrats again!

  3. 3 Jenn Hollowell January 20, 2008 at 12:10 pm

    I’m a Writer Mama, hear me ROAR!!!! 🙂

    I decided to dust off my freelance writing career October of last year and, as part of that, I felt I needed to dust off my resources in order to achieve this goal. This, of course, included reading (and USING) Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids.

    Well, three months and hundreds of queries later, I’ve landed a book contract (book will be released June 2008), a monthly column, three copywriting clients, and requests for three additional book proposals from three separate publishers.

    **phew** It’s crazy-excitingly-awesome! When I first heard this book was coming out, my first thought was how perfect the timing was . . . because I was seriously struggling with how to balance my three children and my career. Thank you for such a valuable resource, from one Writer Mama to another! 😉

  4. 4 Erika January 20, 2008 at 9:35 pm

    Fresh out of a Writer Mama class last October, I was ready to embrace the phrase, “I am a writer,” despite the fact that I had no publishing credits to actually use as proof. I started filling in the Occupation box on my kids’ school forms with the word ‘Writer.’ With my youngest son now in Kindergarten, I even scheduled time to write and sent off a few manuscripts to publications.

    A few weeks later, I saw an invitation in the newspaper to meet the writers and editors of The Seattle Times at the local office. How could I pass this up when I aspired to be one of them? With all the courage I could muster, I set off for the Open House. It was awful. It reminded me of a cocktail party where you know no one. I ran for the beverages and spent as long as possible opening my water bottle and arranging my cookie on the napkin.

    The first three people I met initiated the conversation with, “And who are you with?” Was I supposed to be “with” someone to be at this party?? Everyone else in the room seemed to be with some well-known local organization, business, or political group. “Actually”, I choked out, “I am a new freelance writer and just interesting in learning the business.” The reply was the same from all three people – “You should meet Scott.”

    I finally met Scott, Editor of the Snohomish County section of The Seattle Times. “Come take my class,” he said. And so I did. During my eight weeks of class I got a lot of attention (there were only two other students), found a story I was passionate about (an orca whale named Lolita), and became hopeful I may have found a good first publication.

    The class ended and I hit a brick wall with both the editor and my writing. In a huge leap of faith, I decided I needed to fly to Miami to meet this whale that people were trying to free after 37 years in captivity. My brother, a pilot, provided the super-cheap ticket and my husband agreed to my crazy idea for a two-and-a-half day solo escapade to Miami. Meeting Lolita made me even more determined to publish my story. I completely rewrote the story on the plane and sent it off to the editor when I came home. Ten days passed – no response. Finally, I stopped checking my email twice an hour and decided to pursue other publications.

    Two days after Christmas, I got the best Christmas present ever. A short email from Scott with a request to publish the story in two weeks. In the end, we agreed they would publish three related articles, one of my photos, and two sidebars. It was to be the feature story for the Snohomish County section. But strange things can happen in the newspaper world overnight. The next morning, I almost fell over as I opened The Seattle Times and found the story had landed on the front page.

    According to the paper, my story graduated to front-page news because it was at the right place at the right time. Just like I was back in October at that awful Open House. Perseverance and ambition carried me the rest of the way. I am a writer – just as I was back in October.

  5. 5 The Writer Mama January 24, 2008 at 8:50 pm

    Thanks Jenn and Erika! These are great reports.

    Keep up the great work!

  6. 6 Jenny February 1, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Two years ago I decided to return to my freelance copywriting career after taking several years to focus solely on my two kids, but I had always wanted my career to expand into other types of writing. I found Christina’s “Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff” class while reading an issue of Writer’s Digest and enrolled.

    It was a big boost for me and I learned a lot, so I decided to take Christina’s “Pitching Practice” class next.

    That class was so targeted and so awesome that I’m happy to say I landed my first non-trade publication article assignment with the local mag, Chicago Parent, based on one of the queries I wrote for Pitching Practice.

    My article is coming out next month in the March issue of Chicago Parent and I just learned that it will be one of their feature stories.

    This is especially exciting for me because I wrote an article about coping with food allergies, which my oldest daughter suffers from. It’s great to know that not only do I get published, but I get to write about a topic that is important to my family.

    I plan to use this clip to help me break into the nationals, so wish me luck!

    Congrats to everyone else who posted their stories! I love to hear about other Writer Mama successes. Thanks to Christina for cheering us all on!

  7. 7 Jenny February 1, 2008 at 9:28 am

    Oh, and I almost forgot–I have a new blog, too. Christina suggested to our class that we have a blog and web site, so here’s my blog address:nut-freemom.blogspot.com. Web site to come! 🙂

  8. 8 The Writer Mama February 4, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Awesome, Jenny! Thanks for sharing your process! Look forward to seeing you in the targeting class.

    🙂 C

  9. 9 Tiffani February 4, 2008 at 11:39 am

    After taking WPSS, I developed a relationship with the editor of a regional parenting magazine. So far, I’ve written eight articles with four more in the works. And I’m getting ready to pitch them on letting me handle the magazine’s blog. Because of this relationship, I also sold a reprint to another regional because my editor recommended me.

    On the full-time job front, the newspaper where I’m a copy editor just bought a local parenting magazine and they want to add more local copy. Guess who’s going to be writing for it? Me. Why? Because I asked. Sometimes it’s as simple as that: If you want something, you gotta ask for it!


  10. 10 Joanna February 16, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    My writing has been plugging slowly but steadily along, courtesy of a class I took with Christina quite a while back and then Pitching Practice last winter. Learning how to pitch properly has made all the difference – still refining it, of course.

    So, here’s what’s been going on in my life. In September, I landed an assignment with FamilyFun – a family travel article that has at last hit the stands this month (March issue). It was a huge article for my family (we took a four-day trip for it), and it’s exciting to see their lovely faces in print. I am now at work on another article for FF, another assignment rather than something I proposed. Also have a rock climbing/kids article coming out this summer with Wondertime, a sister magazine to FF, and just had another proposal accepted by WT on a topic close to my heart (kids and winning and how success can lead to poor coping skills when kids lose). I continue to write for a local magazine but in January I gave up the editing I was doing for it to make more time for writing. The next week, the FamilyFun assignment came through – that’s what I call meant to be.

    I’m also entering the blogging world as Moxie Mom at a new website called neighborhood-kids dot com, based in Bellingham, WA for local parents. The posts should begin appearing next week (Feb. 19 or so). And a website is in the works – yes, I know it’s time, and I’m inspired by the websites I’ve found through the WM blog. I’m also learning not to say I’m a “sort of” writer. Actually, that’s not what I say. Until recently, I was saying “I’m trying to make a go of freelance writing.” Well, it’s a go.

  11. 11 The Writer Mama February 17, 2008 at 5:37 am

    Awesome,Joanna! Thanks for sharing. You go, mama!

  12. 12 andreamcmann February 28, 2008 at 8:22 am


    I read your book last summer, and it was very inspirational, but the prospect of becoming a “real” freelance writer was daunting to me. I floundered around for a while, trying to hone my writing skills and find someone who would be willing to publish what I had to say.

    Last fall, I discovered your WPSS class, and those six weeks of WPSS made all the difference! I still haven’t published any of the articles I wrote in the class, but WPSS gave me the techniques, onfidence and direction I needed to help my writing take off. Since the class ended in Novemer, I’ve written a a 1,500 list article for Primal Parenting magazine, a 2,000 word list article for Natural Child, and a book review/filler for AllGreen magazine (my first PAYING article!). The editor of AllGreen also assigned me another paying filler, and one of my queries for a filler article has been accepted by Family Fun (I am REALLY excited about this one!!)

    I am amazed at my own progress,and I can honestly say I owe it all to you, Christina. If I hadn’t read your book, I never would have known it was possible for someone like me to become a freelance writer. Thanks! 🙂

  13. 13 The Writer Mama March 2, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    Way to go, Andrea!

    All the credit goes to your focus and hard work!

    And now it’s paying off. Thanks for the great example!

  14. 14 Mary Jo C. April 22, 2008 at 8:15 am


    Well, I did it!! I just received a contract from MOMSense Magazine (published by MOPS International.) They accepted my list article “42 Ways to Play and Pamper” for their July/August 2008 print issue. It was the second article I submitted to them, though this one was much more specific to their requested theme list, and hence a successful sale!

    I’m still shaking and I read the email last night! It was too late to call anyone, but I did scare the (bleep) out of my husband when I bombarded into the other room: “C’mere, c’mere, c’mere!” I shouted and dragged him back to my laptop so he could read the words in black and white!

    I also forwarded the email to all my girlfriends and answered my first congratulatory call this morning at work from my friend Trish who shouted “Whoo-Hoo!” into my ear.

    Christina, I want to thank you and your AWESOME teachings in Writer Mama, because before I read it I didn’t even know what a “list article” was. And lo and behold, it happened to be the first piece I wrote that got accepted!

    As you know, I’m currently in your Writing the Short Stuff Class and we’ll begin the list article assignments this week. Now I have a success story to share with the class and hope to learn tons more (and publish tons more!)

    And as Danny from Grease says, “This is just the beginning!”

    On a writer’s high,
    Mary Jo

  15. 15 GFree May 3, 2008 at 10:43 am

    Just purchased Writer Mama!! Can’t put the book down. Have been in the process of writing my first book for the last 3 years! I will finally get a boost knowing what to do with this book. Thanks Christina (author of Writer Mama) for giving me that push and inspiration that had gotten stagnant. I also have dozens of poems that will be sent out this week that have been lying around collecting dust. Should be getting checks soon for them I’m sure!!
    Good luck to all the other writer mamas out there. GFree

  16. 16 emsgeiss May 11, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    I was reading this post, and it dawned on me that exactly a year ago, my husband gave me Writer Mama plus some other writing resources for my Mother’s Day present. Since then, I’ve started a blog (Musings from the Mitten), started a digital magazine (theWAHMmagazine), in which you, Christina were our featured Voice last issue, and somehow managed to get my 15 minutes of fame a few times in a bunch of printed and online publications. And inspiration, being what it is, I ended up drafting a Mother’s Day meme thanking you (and countless other writer mamas) who’ve inspired me to live the dream. Among my latests achievements, aside from reaching the half-way point in TWM’s first year, I got an acceptance from one of my “dream” publications. So thank you for writing Writer Mama, and Happy Mother’s Day!

    -Erika-Marie S. Geiss

  17. 17 swahmmom May 18, 2008 at 12:46 pm


    I took your WPSS class in the fall of 2006. My daughter was one, and I was ready to launch my long dreamed of writing career. Unfortunately, life intervened, and I spent most of 2007 dealing with other things. Rather than letting it derail me again, I let it inspire me: if I could handle what 2007 threw at me, I could handle whatever 2008 had in store plus writing. A year after taking your class, I called a local parenting magazine and sent them my final WPSS assignment. They assigned me an article based on it. When I learned what their next issue’s theme was, I pitched another idea. So far in 2008 I’ve written four articles for them. It’s not a lot, but it’s what fits in my life right now with an infant, a 2 year old and a husband who’s gone for work for months at a time. I recently bought your book, Writer Mama, and hope that, when the time’s right, I can use it to move my freelancing to the next level. Thank you, Christina, through your class and your book you’ve given me the confidence to call myself a writer.


  18. 18 Aurora June 17, 2008 at 11:33 am

    Just wanted to say thank you Christina!!! i took your Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career….class this past April (through June), and SUCCESS. The list article i wrote in the class has been accepted for publication in Allen Family Magazine (Texas); to be published mid July!

    I’m so glad i took the class, it helped tremendously and the resources and feedback you gave us were great. I will definitely be taking additional classes. Thanks again.


  19. 19 marnini July 17, 2008 at 9:42 pm

    This is small but it’s something. I have an organizational tip being published in All You Magazine. It hits magazine stands August 29th.


  20. 20 Wendy July 28, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    Thanks for the pep talk after my whiny “I’m not sure I can do this email” at the start of the WPSS this April. I had two articles published that were written as homework assignments for a tip article and a how-to article. I’m going to invest the proceeds from one article on two more of your classes. The feedback, cheerleading,deadlines, and group process of your class really helped to jumpstart my writing like no other class or book has.

  21. 21 The Writer Mama August 3, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    Wow, wow, wow! We’ve heard so many successes in the past few months!

    Sorry it took me so long to reply to them. But I’m just thrilled with everyone’s success. And reading your stories all in a row is even more inspiring.

    Keep the great inspiration coming!

    🙂 C

  22. 22 Heiddi August 12, 2008 at 9:15 am

    Hi Christina,

    I don’t even know if you remember me, but I took a class with you in 2006. I just wanted to share that my article, “Time-out Tips” was published in the August 5th edition of the Asian Parent weekly newsletter. Check it out in the “Get Real” section at theasianparent.com. It was my first paid article! Thanks again.

  23. 23 The Writer Mama August 12, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    Of course, I remember you, Heiddi. I remember everyone because your photo pops up in my address book (in case it’s been a while…).


  24. 24 Joni Leimgruber September 2, 2008 at 8:02 pm

    I just wanted to drop a line and say thanks heaps for your fantastic book! I started reading it about 3 weeks ago and I’m slowly working my way through. I’ve been aiming to be in the process of writing every day and have written a filler and list article plus a few tips. I wasn’t 100% confident about either of the articles but decided to send them off anyway. I received an email yesterday from a national parenting magazine saying that they want to publish my list article and pay me $50 for the privledge! I felt fantastic. I haven’t heard back from the local paper regarding my filler but if it’s a no I’ll just turn it around and resubmit it else where. Thanks for all your great tips and wonderful help! Joni

  25. 25 Marian September 16, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    It happened like this:

    May–sit next to Christina at lunch during a SCBWI conference; chat; attend her workshop; take notes; buy the book; write down some ideas just like she said at the conference and in her book.

    June-Aug–too busy to do anything but ponder my notes.

    Aug–schedule slowed a tad; got tired of just thinking about the idea and wrote, submitted…AND GOT A CONTRACT for my submission.

    Sept–working on the lather-rinse-repeat method! And reading more of the book to find out what else I need to do for repeated success.


  26. 26 kmcdade September 21, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Hi, Christina! I was in the April 2008 WPSS class, and at the end of the class, I decided to purchase the Regional Parenting Publications e-book that you recommended. I sent out my list article from the class, and it’s been picked up by two parenting publications (currently in Calgary’s Child). In addition, a local editor wrote that she didn’t need that article, but would I be interested in another assignment? Of course I was! So now I’ve got a couple of credits and a lot more confidence. Thanks so much for your class and your book — they were and are great motivators.

  27. 27 writerinspired October 19, 2008 at 12:51 pm

    Hi again! Another published clip to add to the roll of successes mentioned above!

    I used your interview tips given in the WPSS class last spring (08) and cranked out an informative article which appears today in WritingKid, a newsletter published by C. Hope Clark.

    From the interview, I also gained a new friend and a great blurb on the Young Writers Program of National Novel Writing Month, which boosted my blog visits by 200%.

    The article is found here: http://www.fundsforwriters.com/writingkid.htm

    : ) Mary Jo

  28. 28 Jenni November 5, 2008 at 10:25 pm

    Hi Christina,

    A piece I’ve written has been accepted for publication. Yahoo! My article Come Together: Focus on Family Meals appears this month (Nov 2008) in Vancouver Family Magazine out of Vancouver, WA. It will be my first paid gig so I’m announcing it here.

    I’ve also been writing for the Olympia Co-op News. In the August/September issue, a piece on the history health benefits of onions. My next on the benefits of whole grains and baking with them over the holidays will appear in the Dec/Jan issue.

    Thank you for the excellent class in the Spring of 08 and also for the suggestion to purchase Brette Sember’s list of parenting publications. This piece will pay for the list and two other publications have expressed interest–and this is just my first submission.

    It’s not online yet but I’ll come back and provide a link if it’s available online.

    Thanks! Jenni

  29. 29 The Writer Mama November 6, 2008 at 10:00 am

    Excellent, Jenni! Hearty congratulations!

    And happy holiday season!

    🙂 C

  30. 30 Diane Haynie November 18, 2008 at 2:43 pm


    After taking your query letter writing course I decided to go for it. Why not? I am much braver through the mail or internet than I am in person! Since completing the course I have written several web content articles and actually been paid for all of them. I have now been ASKED to write a monthly column for a local publication specializing in Craftsman style interiors.

    I recently ran across a quote (author unknown) that said it all…”Success is what happens when you are busy getting better. You don’t see it coming and you can’t schedule it.” My goal now is to just work at “getting better” and watch the success roll in!

    Thanks for all you offer to writer moms.


  31. 31 Liz S. January 8, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    Happy New Year, Writer Mama!
    In August I took Abigail Green’s Personal Essays That Get Published workshop through Writers on the Rise. It was a wonderful workshop and I came away with two essays that I was ready to submit. With the encouragement of my online writing group (WPSS Spring 08), I submitted one of the essays in November. I didn’t hear anything.

    A few weeks ago, I remembered one of Abby’s key points: follow-up is critical. So, despite my desire to “just let it go,” I sent a follow-up e-mail. Two days later I received a reply from the editor of Seattle Woman asking me if she could use the essay in the February issue. I’m thrilled and can’t wait to see Co-Sleeping Quandary in print in Seattle Woman.

    Thanks to Abby for a great workshop (any plans for development for PEGP Level 2?) and to you, Christina, for all that you do to support other writer mamas like me!

  32. 32 Chela Wallace February 8, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    Hi Christina,

    I just wanted to share with you some of my recent writing successes, due in part to my attending your 2008 Oregon SCBWI workshop, “Write Short and Get Published Sooner,” and taking your suggestions to heart (not to mention reading Writer Mama, which I won as a door prize):

    1. My story, “A Nose for Food,” will appear in the upcoming book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Twins and More (on sale March 10, 2009).

    2. My feature, “Keeping it Together: 7 Tips for Busy MOMs,” appears in the Special 25th Anniversary Issue of TWINS™ Magazine (on sale now).

    3. My business feature, “Active preschool starts fresh in new, bigger space,” ran August 7, 2008 in the Beaverton Valley Times (a local newspaper). This piece about my sons’ preschool was my first foray into “writing short” and got the ball rolling for me.

    Thanks again for your inspiration and savvy – I really appreciate it!


  33. 33 Deb April 15, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    Hi Christina,

    Just a note to say how much I appreciate that you make your students feel connected with you long after class is over. I have taken other courses online, and we were not allowed to share contact info or even to email the instructor. With you, we can continue to learn from you whether in a class or not, and I love it!

    For my Writer Mama brag, I’ll say that I’ve now placed two articles I drafted in your class, with one of the editors emailing to say “We love hearing from excellent local writers. What else do you like to write about?” WOOHOO

    I’m also enjoying my new blog – I’d love it if you would add writerup.blogspot.com to your blog rolls.

    I’ve been contemplating a trip to Seattle, and seeing that you’ll be in Belleview sealed the deal. I’m bringing my 11 year old niece, who is writing a book! Can’t wait to meet you.


  34. 34 Heidi May 5, 2009 at 8:27 pm

    Hi Christina,

    In high school, I promised myself I’d publish something by the time I was thirty. A year before that deadline, I took your WPSS class. In the July/August issue of MomSense magazine (August was my birthday), I had some “short stuff” published!

    Thank you for doing what you do!

  35. 35 Leila M. May 6, 2009 at 3:32 pm

    I’ve been a technical writer for 12 years, and I’ve dreamed of being a freelance writer for magazines for most of that time, but I was scared to pitch editors. I took WPSS this winter, and I wrote a few short articles that I was pleased with, but I still couldn’t bring myself to click the Send button.

    In March, I started Christina’s Pitching Practice class, and a couple of weeks later, I was laid off from my technical writing job. I decided it was time to get serious about this freelancing dream of mine. After six weeks of Christina cheering me on, I had six completed query letters that I was proud of. Last week, I finally clicked the Send button on my queries, and within hours I received my first acceptance. My first article will be published at the end of May, and the editor wants me to write for her again!

    As for my WPSS articles that I was too scared to send, they’re now posted on my website as writing samples to show editors what I can do.

    Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement, Christina! I wouldn’t have come this far, this fast, without you!

  36. 36 Joni Leimgruber May 13, 2009 at 1:48 pm

    I commented on here a few months ago but thought it would be fun to give an update.

    I read Writer Mama about 6 months ago and began a uni correspondence course (Professional Writing and Editing) at around the same time. I have three children, 1,3 and 5 and am trying to find a good school routine – it’s not as easy as I thought!

    Anyway. I started with nothing 6 months ago. I arranged to meet a local journo and as a result of that meeting have around 30 clips from the local rag and a fantastic working relationship with a local entrepreneur/hobby writer.

    I’ve had two press releases in the Daily Telegraph (still looking forward to getting my name in there one day!) and a long length feature in the local magazine. I’m currently working on two packages of articles to pitch to two medium sized magazines (wish me luck!).

    I’ve interviewed more than 50 people, which has been a huge learning curve for me (I’d rather stay in front of my laptop than get out there and interview people!).

    I’ve found a nieche in profiling people and really enjoy getting to know people and learn about all their trials and triumphs.

    I’ve also picked up a publicity deal (which I am paid for!) where I get my client and his business into as many publications as possible. Cool hey!

    I also have a blog (http://pro-filed.blogspot.com) where I’m trying out my ideas for a column.

    Thanks heaps, Christina, for your fantastic book. The sky’s the limit!

    Check out my website: http://www.joniL.com.au

    Anyone interested in chatting, please drop me a line on my blog or site. I live in Australia and haven’t met any writer-mamas yet but I’m on the look-out!

  37. 37 Ginny July 1, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    Though I haven’t taken any Writer Mama classes, I am a huge fan of the book and Get Known Before the Book Deal. I won, a few months ago, an hour-long consultation with Christina and it was GREAT! She had lots of suggestions for me, which I’ve been implementing as I pursue an agent and eventual publication of my book.

    I’m happy to say that I have an agent currently reading requested chapters of my non-fiction book, after seeing my proposal, outline and 1st 3 chapters. She then requested more chapters, which I sent off, and on Friday she asked for more. I had a very busy four days writing and polishing and it is with her now. So, fingers crossed that something more comes out of this, but I am thrilled I’ve gotten this far.

  38. 38 Brigitte July 2, 2009 at 8:24 am

    It’s been a busy year with writing, but the best news is that my 8th book was released on July 1st.

    Bookkeeping Basics for Freelance Writers is now available through my publisher and through Amazon.com.

    It was so exciting when my box of author copies arrived on Monday! That never gets old 🙂

  39. 39 Jenny July 2, 2009 at 9:38 am

    I just got my first essay accepted for (paid) publication by a Chicago parenting magazine. This is so exciting for me!

    Also, I’m making steady progress on my non-fiction book proposal.

    And I just got asked to be interviewed by someone interested in my field (Food allergies).

    So platform building and publication-wise, it has been a good pre-4th of July week!

    Christina, on a side note, you always stressed follow up when writing and submitting pieces for publication. This is so true–I had to follow up and wait months for a piece that finally got accepted. So all new Writer Mamas should know that just because you don’t hear back immediately, it doesn’t mean you’re out of the running.

  40. 40 Kathryn Lang July 6, 2009 at 7:52 am

    I’m working on building my platform and have built up my reader feed to almost 2000 (for all my sites). I am also writing several regular guest posts on different sites AND will be speaking at an upcoming A Woman Inspired conference.

    The little things are really starting to add up.

  41. 42 Planet Mom July 6, 2009 at 10:38 am

    Thanks for the opportunity to shout about some of my most recent “fireworks” so to speak. On the day before the fourth of July (how timely!) I had a book signing for A Cup of Comfort for Dog Lovers II in which one of my essays appears. And get this…the bookstore SOLD OUT!! I could barely keep pace with all the people who lined up and wanted my John Hancock on their copy! Of course, all this has gone straight to my head and I’m counting the hours till my next two signings for the same title. Here’s hoping for similar success!

    Thanks again for letting me toot my horn!

  42. 44 writethejourney July 6, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    Christina, Thanks for encouraging us to share our successes.

    I had my first (paying) article published last fall and was speedily approached with my first assignment from an editor.

    This spring, Another article was picked up, this time by a higher-paying publication, along with high compliments from the editor I worked with (I’ll take that any day!). This led to my first query, which was accepted, and a second, unsolicited assignment this summer. The first was published online this month (the next one’s due out in August).

    Need I mention that I’m excited to be writing for pay and to be getting the hang of freelancing?

    You can see my most recent article at http://www.seattleschild.com/article/20090630/SCM06/906289987/-1/SCM

    Thanks for the opportunity to share. It’s so inspiring to read about all the success going around!

  43. 46 Tiffani July 10, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    My Ages + Stages piece on special-needs friends is in the July issue of Parenting (School Years). http://web.me.com/patterson1723/patterson1723/Articles_files/ParentingSchoolYearsTiff.pdf

    I have another national piece set for publication in the July/August issue of Volta Voices, the magazine for the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

    Also, I just got a second assignment from VV.

    And I’m still a full-time newspaper copy editor. 🙂

    Happy summer!

  44. 48 writerinspired July 17, 2009 at 10:30 am

    Fireworks abound (and even before Independence Day!)

    I’ve been meaning to get over to this page for weeks. Lots going on in my “writer mama” successes. Before I begin, however, I need to thank you again, Christina. Sure I’ve been writing since I was a freckle-faced little girl, but not until I read Writer Mama and took the Writing and Publishing Short Stuff Class with you last spring (’08) did I take myself seriously as a writer. And like you’ve said, if you act like a writer, others will see (and treat) you like one, too.

    My latest “claim to fame” was winning First Place in the 100 Words or Fewer Fiction Writing contest last month. 100 words! For this spunky Italian chatterbox, 100 words are so very little! I wrote, rewrote, let it sit, then rewrote again before I scrapped the whole piece and started over, just satisfied enough to hit send hours before the deadline. The hard work paid off. I rec’vd an email stating that I was in the final round of judging.
    Then, after a long Saturday out with my boys enjoying the weather and silliness, I tucked them in to bed. A writer friend (also a student of Christina’s) emailed me to say she won an honorable mention in that very contest and that my scores had been higher, so I surely got a place. Hmm, the mail! I ran to the mailbox and ripped open the handwritten envelope. The letterhead was from “100 Words or Fewer” and read, Congratulations for winning our highest honor…” I screeched, jumped up and down like that little freckle-faced girl and nearly knocked over my husband in my excitement. I won! I won!
    How ironic that all day I sat on the banks of a manmade lake contemplating: “was I qualified to teach the young writers I’ve gathered in my community?” All the while this little letter was sitting in my mailbox.

    So, I begin again, with new stories and new submissions, just as nervous as I was before winning that first place crown. Because we do doubt our skill, our reach. Yet, when the writing isn’t flowing, I’ll pick up my copy of Get Known Before the Book Deal (ordered through an indie bookstore!) and see how I can develop the other half of my writing career: the getting known!
    : ) Mary Jo Campbell

  45. 50 Carrie Ure September 5, 2009 at 8:17 am

    As a forty-something mama with 30 years of journals stuffed in boxes, I was really ready to bring my writing out of the closet last summer when I took my first class with Christina. During the six-week class, Writing and Publishing the Short Stuff, I finished two “how to” articles and published one the following spring.

    But the best thing I got from the class was the confidence that I have what it takes to be a professional writer if I just put in some organized and sustained effort. This summer I just published my second article in a local newspaper and I am well on my way to developing my platform as an author, with Christina’s help of course.

    Off I go, one article at a time!

  46. 51 Jan Udlock September 5, 2009 at 11:18 am

    Hi Christina,

    I, of course, already have a copy of Writer Mama. However, I told a friend all about you, your book, and your classes this summer and now she is a proud owner of WM!So maybe having an extra copy would be a great gift to give someone.

    The best thing about WPSS is that your class gave me the confidence to try. You are so encouaging yet firm with direction and information. I had my doubts and insecurities but the class was set up with such a great forum that we learned all of this is natural and common. We just need to plug away at it.

    I sold both articles from WPSS, sold both essays from PEGP and am currently in WFTW. I wrote a unemployment piece that hasn’t found a home yet so I was again doubting myself. Did I need a teacher’s critique? However, I tried again and have sold 2 different articles to 2 different parenting mags (4 sales) and I’m currently working on another one.

    And anybody who is reading this, I did this at the age of 51! It’s okay to be afraid to try but still take the step.

  47. 52 Lisa Dolensky September 19, 2009 at 4:57 am

    Dear Christina-Thanks for all you continue to share with writers!
    I first poured over every page of your book about 3 years ago on the campus of the University of Alabama–on a rainy game day much like today. Counting blessings re: what I learned from your book, Writer Mama, and personal affirming writing news of this yr. despite economy. Proud of about 300 rejections since 2006 (proof of productivity) and creative nonfiction due out this Sept. 23 in Chicken Soup For The Soul’s “What I Learned From The Dog” and two pieces out in mid-October with Simon & Schuster Howard Books compilation, “God Sightings”(featuring my first ghosted piece). Been submitting to lit mags for some lit credibility and free verse debuted past few months with Halfway Down The Stairs (Sept.),Cabinet des F’ees & Kaleidoscope. Didn’t win one of your classes, but was awarded a UA Longleaf Writing Project Fellowship this summer. (Any teachers out there? check out National Writing Project site for fellowship opportunities.)Thanks and hugs! ^j^ Lisa Dolensky

  1. 1 So…What’d Ya Think? « Writer Mama Riffs on Raising A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids Trackback on January 21, 2008 at 7:45 am
  2. 2 Review and Successes « Writer Mama Riffs on Raising A Writing Career Alongside Your Kids Trackback on March 4, 2008 at 8:22 am
  3. 3 The Next Writing & Publishing the Short Stuff Class Begins on March 11th « The Writer Mama Riffs Trackback on February 2, 2009 at 10:05 am
  4. 4 Writer Mama Update « The Writer Mama Riffs Trackback on April 27, 2009 at 10:38 am
  5. 5 Got Fireworks? « The Writer Mama Riffs Trackback on July 1, 2009 at 9:59 am
  6. 6 The Writer Mama Back-to-School Giveaway 2009, Day Five « The Writer Mama Riffs Trackback on September 5, 2009 at 7:12 am
  7. 7 Fan Mail Trackback on December 2, 2009 at 8:15 pm

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